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    最后一名是路丝。(路丝,不是我吐槽你- -你这也太慢了!倒数的!第一啊C吧第一可喜可贺- -)

    现在人都到齐了,莫小离看了看他/她们的着装,路易是只小鹿(原形)路尔是只小狗(人类的伙伴啊!)路安……(路安你这厮保持原形让我怎么说啊!)路丝是只老鹰(好吧你有翅膀可以扇,怎么那么慢- -)


    这时候,讨厌的人来打断了气氛- -


    莫小离听到这个声音的时候,并没有多少在意,她只是看向了沐紫宸的化妆,- -呃……好吧,什么都木有……普通的休闲装- -


































    英文翻译(我就抄着一次啊!下次我就把我自己的感想说出来啊!):- once upon a time, and how many times this friendship huan。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    -- -- -- -- -- once, how many summer is cool and the degree of friendship。

    -- -- -- -- -- once upon a time, with the friendship had read how many hearts。

    -- -- -- -- -- once upon a time, and this friendship to think much of her past

    When you like summer beasts came to my side, I found that is so unreal,Like a mirage, clearly in sight, but far out of reach。We are all in the escape of the sad facts, until you appear again,We didnt understand, this is a cycle, not erase, solution doesnt open loop。

    You said you want to achieve, but dont know the direction of the Shanghai ballet,In everyones heart, open the door that dare not face,Release the scent of the summer, and memory。。。

    When the fireworks in the sky blown into a riot, thought realizes the desireYoure laughing behind my back, and then found out the idea of ”I dont want you to go”Already entrenched, because at the moment to hear your words, I felt peace。



    The time, would you please slowly? Will we play in time indefinitely,

    Will the struggle of time together with you indefinitely,

    Will that time back you run indefinitely,


    Our Mr。 Xia coolish time indefinitely。

    Along with the land of flowers……
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